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A Storm of kisses! Sweetheart Storm is available for adoption now at the Animal Rescue League of Iowa

Support the Animal Rescue League of Iowa by fostering, volunteering or becoming a member of the Loyal Friends Club.

Prepare for a storm... A Storm of kisses! Storm the two year old pit bull is the perfect best friend: cuddly, confident and clever. Always ready for an adventure, Storm waltzed into the Iowa Live studio excited for his first on-camera appearance. He quickly got to work checking that our equipment was up to snuff, including our collection of dog toys. We can happily say our collection of tennis balls earned this pup's approval. After all, fetch is his favorite hobby!

When Storm isn't busy exploring, he loves spending time with people. Storm offers kisses to everyone, whether strangers or friends, and leans all his weight into being pet. He's looking for an active family to join on runs or hikes. You might even convince him to share your cuddles with another dog!

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It's easy to support the Animal Rescue League of Iowa, especially when you can join them for Puppy Yoga. A professional yoga instructor will teach a class at ARL Main from 5:30pm-6:30pm next Wednesday, October 2nd.

"I don't actually know how much yoga happens, with all those puppies around," jokes KC Routos, Director of Development & Communications at the ARL.

Participants will also receive a complimentary pink poodle champagne beverage or pink lemonade after the class. Space is limited, so be sure to reserve your spot as soon as possible!

Not a puppy person? The ARL has cat lovers, gerbil aficionados and pet lovers of all kinds covered. With multiple programs available, volunteers are sure to find a role that suits their skillset! The ARL also offers on-site and off-site group volunteering. For monthly giving options, you can join the Loyal Friends Club. Members enjoy perks and benefits throughout the year.

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