Marcy is a Blue-Tongued Skink. And yes, the name is accurate! She evolved to have a blue tongue because the bright color scares off predators. The adaptation comes in handy when she's dealing with the birds of Australia. Still, ever the sassy lizard, Marcy made Lou work to get a good look at her tongue.
Schools may take a break this holiday season, but that doesn't mean the learning has to stop! Here are just a few of the upcoming educational events being offered by the Blank Park Zoo.
- Sunday, December 20th, from 5:30-7:30pm
- Theme: Creating Insulation
- Learn how animals stay warm, and design your own insulated gloves!
- Costs $40 per child
- Monday, January 15th, from 9:00am-4:00pm
- Theme: Why are animals weird?
- Explore why animals look, act, and function differently from humans.
- Cost is $75
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