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Snacks and naps for all! Oscar the Porcupine is running for Mayor of Blank Park Zoo | Paid Content

Oscar the Porcupine is one in a QUILLion! Cast your vote in the Blank Park Zoo Mayoral Election at blankparkzoo.com/vote | Paid Content

The Blank Park Zoo mayoral election continues to attract attention as one of the most contentious races in political history. Deuce the Lion, Kitsi the Snow Monkey and Oscar the Porcupine are vying for the position. In the latest unforeseen development, Barnaby the Tortoise, former mayor of the zoo, has endorsed none other than Oscar the Porcupine! Oscar visited Iowa Live to discuss this endorsement alongside his campaign.

Oscar's platform is simple: naps and snacks for all!

Supporters claim the campaign is a reflection of his sharp wits and one in a QUILLion personality. According to sources, Oscar is a favorite of the education team, where he works as an ambassador animal. 

"His job is to educate people across the state of Iowa," explains Rachel Shaffer, zoo education team member and Oscar supporter. "He's able to travel to even the smallest of Iowa towns, who might not be able to come to the zoo on a regular basis."

Oscar's other half, Edda, is also passionate about conservation. The zoo's resident power couple, Oscar and Edda participate in the porcupine species' survival plan, passing down both genetics and a love of education.

But Oscar isn't without his controversy as a candidate. His opponents, Deuce and Kitsi, continue to poke holes in Oscar's platform. Deuce insists the campaign is a joke and that Oscar must be "kitten". Kitsi agrees Oscar's goals are simply "bananas". Both Deuce and Kitsi have been invited on Iowa Live to discuss their own platforms, and will make appearances in the coming weeks.

Polls continue to show a close race. Click here to cast a vote for your candidate!

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