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Local 5, CW Iowa 23 and the TEGNA Foundation award $7,000 to 2 central Iowa organizations

Des Moines Area Religious Council and Iowa Gardening for Good received community grants for their dedication to the community of Des Moines.

DES MOINES, Iowa — The TEGNA Foundation, TEGNA's charitable foundation, has two rounds of their Community Grant program every year. During the first round this year, Local 5, CW Iowa 23 and the TEGNA Foundation awarded $7,000 to help support food insecurity in the greater Des Moines area. 

"TEGNA's purpose is to serve the greater good of our communities, and that's why we're delighted to give these grants to two organizations that are addressing the needs of those residents who are food insecure. There's a great need in our community and we are happy to assist these great organizations," said Local 5 Interim President and General Manager Jim Kizer.

The awarded organizations are:

  • Iowa Gardening for Good: The grant will help increase the production and reach their goal of 200,000 pounds of fresh produce in the greater Des Moines area. 
Credit: WOI Local 5 | CW Iowa 23
  • Des Moines Area Religious Council (DMARC): The grant will help DMARC's "Food Pantry Network" provide three-day supply of healthy food to approximately 639 low-income individuals in the greater Des Moines area.
Credit: WOI Local 5 | CW Iowa 23

The TEGNA Foundation supports nonprofit organizations in communities served by TEGNA Inc. Grants are vetted by a committee of employees at each station, including the station general manager, and approved by the TEGNA Foundation Board of Directors. For information or to apply for a TEGNA Foundation Community Grant, click here.

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