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Family speaks out after man charged with daughter's death in 2015 faces new charges following parole

Troy Mure Jr. is now facing burglary and kidnapping charges after he was released from prison on parole in 2023 following a vehicular homicide charge.

DES MOINES, Iowa — Troy Mure Jr. was arrested Saturday night on kidnapping and burglary charges, and this isn't the first time he has faced a lengthy prison sentence. 

The charges come just over one year after 33-year-old Mure was released from prison for the death of his girlfriend at the time, Scalicity Perez. 

He was released on parole in May 2023 after being sentenced to 15 years following a vehicular homicide conviction. 

Court documents say in 2015, Mure was driving almost 90 miles per hour when he crashed into a pole, which ejected Perez, who was in the passenger seat, from the car. She would die on scene.

Just this past weekend, court documents say Mure showed up to his ex-girlfriend's home with a gun and physically dragged her out of her home and drove her away. 

Perez's family is now speaking out, as hearing more news about Mure brings back every single emotion. 

"That day when I got that text message with that footage that showed that he was back incarcerated, and then I looked at all the charges, it's like all the emotions came up, and we were re-traumatized all over again," said Shalisha Barber, Scalicity Perez's mother. "It's like it's a fresh new wound."

Barber says justice has not been served for the death of her daughter after seeing the news that Mure was out of prison and able to impact another person.

"I feel that justice wasn't served, and he showed that's a prime example that happens when justice isn't served," Barber said. 

Barber says they have had women reach out to them who have also been impacted by Mure's actions, and their family has received hundreds of threats over the past eight years. 

These new charges against Mure remind Perez's family of the tragic reality, and they want to continue to bring Scalicity a voice. 

"The nightmare starts all over, and that's exactly what it feels like," Barber said. 

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