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ISU Theatre preparing to put on outdoor shows

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to throw wrenches in the traditional college setting, theatre students at Iowa State are having to adapt.

AMES, Iowa — Among so many other things, this pandemic has taken live theatre away from us, and that puts those with the passion to study into a real bind.

The theatre department at Iowa State University has been through quite a bit already, as the university has already had to bring up closing the iconic C.Y. Stephens Auditorium as a possibility in an effort to make up at least a fraction of the millions of dollars in revenue the pandemic has lost them.

Now, as the pandemic rolls on into the school year, in true theatre form, the department is getting creative.

This year, ISU Theatre will not be putting shows on in the traditional way.

Instead, the 2020-21 season, titled "Season of Invitation", will largely happen outdoors, and with live stream capabilities.

And just like an improv exercise, the students are having to think on their toes and roll with the punches, even as the months grow colder.

"We're a little worried [about having outdoor shows in the winter], but it's more about how many layers I'm going to have to put on," theatre major Sara Elkhatib said.  "It's just dealing with what's going on and adjusting, because everyone's doing the best they can."

Adjusting what goes on behind the scenes is also a challenge, but ISU Director of Theatre Brad Dell says even that has been a time to innovate and try things they've never tried before by using a green screen as a backdrop.

But it's not just the shows that need adjustment from "normal" years, but the classwork as well.  Amanda Petefish-Schrag is teaching theatre during the pandemic, which has been interesting to say the least.

"It does feel like you never know what's coming your way," Petefish-Schrag said.  "We have met in the rain, we have met in the wind and we've met in the heat."

Petefish-Schrag plans to keep all classes and performances outside as much as she can for now, and modify once the winter rolls around.

To catch virtual performances all season long, visit the ISU Theatre website.

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