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Iowa Board of Medicine outlines abortion law guidance, physician penalties in meeting

The new rules would require physicians to ask patients specific questions about potential rape or incest, in order for an abortion to be viable.

DES MOINES, Iowa — The Iowa Board of Medicine met Thursday to discuss rules surrounding the state’s abortion laws, attempting to create new guidance for physicians. 

After several hours of discussion, members of the board voted to recognize the new guidance on implementing the abortion law, but not yet amend them. 

Physicians from across the state weighed in on how the new rules could impact their practice, and the threat of disciplinary action if they don’t comply.

The new rules would require physicians to ask patients specific questions about potential rape or incest. Based on those answers, they would then determine if an abortion were viable.

Each step would need to be documented, according to the proposed rules. If the new rules were enacted, physicians could face disciplinary action and be subject to penalties if broken.

"Physicians in Iowa seek to care for their patients, not document minutia of assault or jeopardize the patient-physician relationship," OBGYN Dr. Francesca Turner said in the meeting. 

As of now, abortion remains legal in Iowa up to 20 weeks into a pregnancy. 

While Governor Kim Reynolds’ "fetal heartbeat" ban is currently on hold, a judge permits the Board of Medicine to continue discussing rules in case that law is ultimately enacted.

The board will now allow the public to comment on the guidance and weigh in on the suggested rules. They are set to meet again in January

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