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Caucus Curriculum: Finding your caucus location

Every time the caucus happens, for both Republicans and Democrats, the locations change. It all depends on the anticipated turnout and availability. Four years ...

Every time the caucus happens, for both Republicans and Democrats, the locations change. It all depends on the anticipated turnout and availability.

Four years ago, Republicans had a lot more candidates so they took the larger rooms. But that meant issues for the Democrats who had higher-than-expected turnout.

This year, the parties are ready.

Here’s how you figure out your caucus location.

If you are a Democrat, visit iowademocrats.org/2020-caucuses and “Find Your Caucus Location”. Enter your home address and your caucus location will come up.

RELATED: What’s the difference between Democratic and Republican caucuses?

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The Republicans’ site is a bit different.

You must know your election day precinct location to find your caucus site, but these two sites are likely not the same. So once you know your election day voting location, visit iowagop.org/2020-caucus-locations. It’ll pull up a spreadsheet.

Find your voting precinct location, organized by county. Then pan over to the caucus location.

Now you know where to caucus.

Thursday on “Caucus Curriculum”, Local 5 will show you how results are tallied.

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