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Des Moines teen admits to playing role in 2017 murder

DES MOINES – A Des Moines teen has admitted to acting as the getaway driver in a planned robbery that resulted in a murder.

DES MOINES – A Des Moines teen has admitted to acting as the getaway driver in a planned robbery that resulted in a murder. 

Molly Peter, 19, was charged in April 2017 with murder in the death of Antonio Quinn, as well as robbery and attempted murder. Court records show Peter admitted to police she was “knowingly” drove the car with the firearm and drugs.

Larry Ratliff fired three times in the parking lot of Saints Pub + Patio at another vehicle, killing Quinn and injuring other other. Ratliff was convicted in December 2017 of Murder in the First Degree and sentenced to life in prison, with Peter set to go to trial later in January. Ratliff asked Peter to pick him up in order to complete a drug deal, but it was discovered that Ratliff planned it to be a robbery.

Peter admitted to her role in the crime Tuesday in Polk County. Court 

“I drove him to Saints,” Peter said. “[Ratliff] wanted to rob the people we were meeting to get drugs. He entered my car with a big gun.”

As part of Peter’s plea agreement, the counts of murder and attempted murder will be dismissed, and a plea of guilty is entered to the robbery charge. Peter was sentenced by Judge Robert Hanson to a prison sentence not to exceed 25 years, with a mandatory minimum of 70 percent. 

“I want everyone to know that I take full responsibility of my actions,” Peter told the court. “I know [Ratliff] was planning to rob them and I still decided to drive him.”

Peter will be required to provide a DNA sample and pay $150,000 in restitution to Quinn’s family. Peter is not eligible for parole until 70 percent of her prison sentence is served. 

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