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Filmmaker bikes across US to share first responder PTSD documentary

Some people don’t understand what others might be going through, and this helped filmmaker Conrad Weaver draw inspiration to create his documentary "PTSD911."

DES MOINES, Iowa — Filmmaker Conrad Weaver has come a long way. Years ago, he was out on a call with police officers for a fatal overdose.

Up until that moment, he hadn't realized the very tough calls that first responders were sent out to.

"As a citizen I wasn't really aware of what goes on with first responders, and the more I researched it... the more I realized that this is a problem that needs to be talked about," Weaver explained.

So, he decided to do something about it. Weaver began to work on a documentary titled "PTSD911" in 2018, and just finished it up in October of 2022.

He began researching stats, people to interview and more to create a film that could potentially reach thousands.

Well, now it has. Weaver and his buddy John Patterson have been biking across the country, stopping at fire stations and police departments to share the documentary, and having discussions about first responders’ mental health.

“The trip itself has been great, and I feel real strongly that it’s going to help a lot of first responders," Patterson said. "The film is incredible.”

Weaver, Patterson, local first responders and even people out in the community came out to Reach Church in Des Moines on Friday night to learn more first responders’ stories firsthand — by watching "PTSD911."

“100 people and their loved ones ... spouses, family, friends that have lived through this, that have seen this," explained Des Moines Police Chief Dana Wingert. "And now we’re gonna learn what it’s like and what the coping skills are. People in this room tonight will learn that no one fights alone.”

One of Weaver’s goals when making his documentary.

"Those are conversations that sometimes are hard," Weaver said. "But the film kind of helps to get these conversations started.”

If you want to catch Weaver and his new documentary, click here for the full schedule and ticket information.

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