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Here are the latest numbers on coronavirus from Iowa health officials

Right now, 13 Iowans are being monitored

DES MOINES, Iowa — Thousands of people have been infected with the coronavirus over the last month, with 13 Iowans now being monitored by the Iowa Department of Public Health for the virus, though they are not displaying any symptoms.

According to the latest data given by state health officials, 31 people have completed public health monitoring for the virus. Three tests for the coronavirus have also been completed; all have come back negative for the disease.

Monitoring began on February 3, in accordance with recommendations from the President's Task Force on Coronavirus.

Credit: Iowa Dept. of Public Health

"It is important for Iowans to prepare for the potential of COVID-19 in the same way they prepare for severe weather or other events that could disrupt their normal routine," according to the state health website dedicated to providing information about the virus. This is a new advisory given this week.

Webinars have been planned by the Polk County Health Department for next week to inform schools, hospitals, day care providers, and business how to prepare for the coronavirus and answer questions from those stakeholders.

Earlier this week, Dr. Caitlin Pedati briefed lawmakers about the virus and addressed concerns about Iowa's preparedness for the disease. 

Gov. Kim Reynolds also assured the public that Iowa is prepared and said that she is speaking with public health officials regularly. 

According to IDPH, while most COVID-19 cases are associated with travel to or from China, person-to-person spread is now being reported in other places, including Hong Kong, Iran, Italy, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. There are currently no cases of COVID-19 in Iowa. For the general public, who are unlikely to be exposed to the virus at this time, the immediate health risk from COVID-19 is low.

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