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Baby born in July relinquished to Iowa HHS under Safe Haven Act

The baby girl is the fifth infant to be relinquished to Iowa HHS under the Safe Haven Act this year.

IOWA, USA — Another baby is now in the care of the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Safe Haven Act. 

The baby girl, who was born on July 30, will live with foster families until a permanent placement is found. She is the fifth baby to be relinquished to Iowa HHS under the Safe Haven Act this year.

Originally enacted in 2002, the Safe Haven Act is designed to help parents in crisis. The act allows parents and guardians to leave an infant, aged 90 days or less, at a designated location such as a hospital, police station or fire station without fear of repercussion.

In 2023, the Iowa Legislature voted to expand the Safe Haven Act to include the use of "newborn safety devices".

In total, 71 infants have fallen under the state's custody as a result of the Safe Haven Act since its enactment over 20 years ago. 

For more information about fostering or adopting a child in Iowa, click here.


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