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Jury finalized for West Des Moines murder trial

DES MOINES – Twelve people have been selected to serve on the jury of a murder case involving a West Des Moines mother.
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DES MOINES – Twelve people have been selected to serve on the jury of a murder case involving a West Des Moines mother.

Nicole Finn is accused of murdering her adoptive daughter, 16-year-old Natalie Finn. Natalie was found barely alive in October 2016. Her adoptive father, Joseph Finn, is also facing charges related to her death. He is not facing a first degree murder charge, however.

Group jury selection took longer than expected on Thursday in Polk County because of extensive questioning from both the prosecution and the defense. They wanted to weed out jurors who may have unhidden biases.

Prosecutors’ questions revolved mainly around what kind of discipline the potential jurors got as children, and why kind of discipline they gave to any children. 

Other jurors were asked more specific questions, like homeschooling children or work background.

The defense spent most of its time asking jurors about bias. Nicole Finn’s attorney said the jurors need to make decisions with their minds, and not their hearts, and that the evidence used in the trial is the only thing that matters.

In the end, 12 people were selected for the Finn trial, with four alternates. Opening statements are to begin on Friday.

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