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How can Iowa amend its constitution?

Iowans will have their chance to vote 'yes' or 'no' on the November election ballot to amend Iowa's constitution, after changes were proposed.

DES MOINES, Iowa — Iowa's constitution could see changes after this November's election. That's because Iowans have the chance to vote on two constitutional amendments.

If Iowans vote yes, it will officially amend the constitution while a no vote would keep the constitution as is. 

The process of amending the constitution is all lined out in Iowa's current constitution. 

It says that any amendment must be proposed by the Iowa legislature. Once it is introduced, it must pass through both the House of Representatives and the Senate for two consecutive legislative sessions. 

If it passes with a majority, then the Secretary of State will certify the amendment to be put on the general election ballot. 

Once it reaches the ballot, Iowans will make their voices heard. 

What Constitutional Amendments are on the 2024 Ballot?

There are two constitutional amendments on the 2024 general election ballot. 

The first would adjust the line of succession if there is an absence in the Governor's seat. 

If something happens to the Governor where they need to step down, the Lieutenant Governor would take over that position, leaving the Lt. Governor position vacant. 

The constitutional amendment would allow the Governor to appoint the Lt. Gov of their choosing. Currently, the vacant seat would follow the line of succession and would make the Senate President assume the Lt. Gov. duties. 

In the amendment's final passage, it passed unanimously out of the Senate, and passed out of the House in a 81-18 vote. 

Here's what those for and against said on the debate floor. 

"The failure of the language at hand to determine what the succession confirmation plan makes it not yet worthy to alter our constitution," said Representative Ken Croken, D- Scott County. 

However, the super majority ultimately won the vote. 

"Personally, I'm supporting this amendment because it still provides an option for a future legislature to establish by statute any additional requirements," said Representative Heather Matson, D-Polk County. 

 If you vote yes on this constitutional amendment, it will be up to the Governor to decide who fills the vacant Lt. Gov. seat. If you vote no, it will stay as is and follow the line of succession. 

The second constitutional amendment Iowans will be voting on would allow 17-year-olds to vote in primary elections if they will be 18 years old by the general election. 

This is already stated in Iowa code, the ballot vote will simply make it official in the constitution. 

That amendment passed through legislature unanimously all four votes. 

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