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New $24 million sports facility coming to Norwalk High School

Voters overwhelmingly passed the bond to fund the project Tuesday night.

Norwalk High School will be getting a $24 million update to its athletic facilities.

In a special election Tuesday night, 77 percent of voters passed a bond that will fund a new physical education and competition center. 

Norwalk Community School District Superintendent DT Magee told Local 5 this is a must-need project that has been in the works since 2004.

"It's just that, as we grow, we need more space. We've grown by 300 students the last two years and we need more space," Magee said.

Amanda Rankin, who voted for the bond, said it is a major need as Norwalk continues to expand.

"I voted yes because I have two young children and Norwalk is just growing and growing. Obviously, we need the space for more athletic and more extracurricular activities."

The new facility will include three basketball courts, a new wrestling area, weight room and indoor track which will be used for more than just athletics.

"We currently have students that have to run in hallways," Magee said. "Our PE instructors, as I was walking into the facility, gave me a high five. Our PE instructors at the secondary campus are ecstatic."

Meanwhile, the old weight room will converted into classrooms to address the growing need.

Magee said construction should start in March or April 2021 with the facility opening in August 2022.

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