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Opening during a pandemic - One Des Moines business navigating uncertainty

Just over a week after opening, a coffee shop was forced to temporarily close down.

DES MOINES - This year, it seems the world has slowed down to a stop.

"It's scary you don't know what will happen," Kara Kelso, co-owner at The Slow Down Coffee Co. said.

But despite the slowdown, a Des Moines couple is trying to get their business going.

"We started this project about a year and a half ago and it took this long to open. We did not expect a pandemic but here we are," Kelso told Local 5.

Kara and her husband opened their coffee shop on election day on Des Moines' north side. When many businesses were suffering, they were just opening.

"You don't know what's going to happen. We are going into a new season in a pandemic. We don't know if Covid-19 will get worse," Kelso said.

It didn't take long for Covid-19 to slow them down. Nine days after opening, a positive test forced the coffee shop to temporarily shut down.

"It was very disappointing to have your worst nightmare happen," Kelso said. We wanted to protect our employees and protect the community."

After closing for almost a week, the Slow Down is brewing again, albeit not how they planned, with no tables and no indoor seating.

"We are just plugging forward doing the best we can on a daily basis. It has forced us to be more creative with different ideas, marketing ideas and different things we can do with the space," Kelso said.

So they prepare and wait for some normalcy.

"It will be amazing, I mean we created this space so people could gather, so they could get together with friends and neighbors so once we see this place bustling it will be a dream come true."

But, for now, they'll have to settle for the slow down.

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