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Thieves target political yard signs

MARSHALLTOWN- Whether you support Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, thieves are taking aim at both political yard signs.
marshalltown signs

MARSHALLTOWN- Whether you support Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, thieves are taking aim at both political yard signs.

In the past two weeks, more than ten yard signs have been stolen or vandalized in people’s yards in Marshalltown.

Police believe the same people are being targeted multiple times.

“I’d say more Trump signs have been taken than Clinton signs,” said Captain Brian Batterson, Marshalltown Police.

 People like Lonnie Hogeland were surprised when they arrived to work to find something missing.

“I got a big 4×8 and I loved it, it was awesome… then someone stole it,” said Hogeland. A week and a half ago, he parked his truck in its’ usual spot and realized the large sign was gone. Lonnie bought another sign.

“I wired it to the poles solid and now it’s gone,” said Hogeland.

His third sign was taken Wednesday morning.

“They’re mine. It’s theft. They don’t need to be intruding on my opinion!” said Hogeland. Even the small marquee sign which once read “Vote Trump” now only reads “vote.”

“Well, at least they’re going to vote!” said Hogeland.

Wednesday Hogeland climbed his fifteen foot marquee sign and put the rest of his “t, r, u, m, p” letters on to the sign and on the back he spelled “vote not Hillary.”

“That’s fifteen feet up in the air. Someone’s liable to get hurt changing that sign so I think it’ll stay there,” said Hogeland.

“People could face theft, criminal mischief, trespassing,” said Captain Batterson.

Anyone with information is urged to call Marshalltown Police.

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