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Waukee school nurses prepared for COVID-19 symptoms in schools

Local 5 reached out to a Waukee school nurse to see how they're preparing for the school year.

WAUKEE, Iowa — School nurses are, usually, the quiet super hero's in the hallways. This year, they're stepping up as there are added layers of concern over the pandemic.

“You know I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit nervous," said Jo Hromatka, the lead nurse at Waukee School District.

Nurse Jo said if a child comes to school showing COVID-19 symptoms they have a plan.

“You know, we have two areas in our health offices, and this is required for us to have. One area for day to day traffic, because like I said, we are still going to have the kids that come in for the normal health office routines," said Hromatka. "And then one, in another separate area where we put those kids that might possibly have symptoms of Covid.”

If your child has asthma, this year, they won't be able to use a nebulizer at school. The CDC website says aresol, linked to nebulizers, is believed to transport the virus.

“If it’s a day you think your kid is going to need a nebulizer treatment, please keep them home that day.”

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