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Iowa leaders react as President Joe Biden drops reelection bid

"The President’s decision today gives an opportunity to turn the page on this chapter of our history and put people over politics again," said Rep. Jennifer Konfrst.

IOWA, USA — President Joe Biden will no longer seek reelection in November following weeks of scrutiny over his fitness for office. 

In a letter posted on X, Biden wrote in part, “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term."

Shortly after withdrawing from the race, Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Here's how Iowa leaders had to say about Biden's decision. 

This story will be updated as necessary. 

Gov. Kim Reynolds 

"It doesn’t matter who the Democrats nominate to replace Joe Biden on the ticket — they all represent the same failed policies of the last 4 years — especially Kamala Harris. Donald Trump will be our next President. Until then, if Joe Biden can’t run for reelection, it’s clear he isn’t capable of running the country."

RELATED: Reactions to Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race pour in

Sen. Chuck Grassley 

"The American ppl are sick & tired of the Biden-Harris open border policies + high cost of living crushing family budgets. A change in candidate doesn’t fool anyone. Changing horses midstream isn't going to stop the bad policies +reckless agenda at the top of the Democrat ticket."

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Sen. Joni Ernst

"Biden is unfit to run and unfit to serve. But no matter the nominee, Democrats still have a problem on their hands: their failed, out-of-touch policies. Donald J. Trump is running to reverse the Left's crises and chaos, and save America!" 

Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks

"A historic injustice perpetrated by the Democrats who lecture the country about democracy. Yet they just disenfranchised millions of primary voters while covering up the President's cognitive decline, despite it being readily apparent to millions of Americans. While President Biden passes the torch to Vice President Harris, their failed policies continue to torch the nation. Runaway inflation, skyrocketing energy and prescription drug costs, open borders, pervasive crime and weakness on the world stage have led to an American decline. VP Harris' primary function was to solve the border crisis, which has been an unmitigated disaster. If President Biden is not fit enough to campaign, he is not capable of holding the nuclear codes. He should resign."

Rep. Zach Nunn

"This is the worst of politics. Biden and Democrats hid his decline for years, and forced him to drop out when it became politically expedient. If Biden is unfit to run, he is unfit to continue to serve as Commander-in-Chief. He should resign."

RELATED: Former President Barack Obama issues statement on Joe Biden dropping out of presidential race

Rep. Ashley Hinson

"It was wrong for Biden, his advisors, & the media to hide his decline & gaslight Americans.  If Biden is unfit to run, he’s unfit to serve as President. He should resign. I am confident President Trump will beat Kamala Harris or any other left wing radical they run against him. For months, Democrats have been fear-mongering that our democracy will end if President Trump wins again. But now Democrat elites will hand pick the Democrat Presidential candidate instead of having to go through a primary. Talk about disenfranchising voters!"

Iowa Secretary of State Brenna Bird

"Democrats have destroyed this country over the last 4 years. And no matter who they replace Biden with, they all have to own that record of failure. They all still represent the same extremist agenda that has caused mass illegal immigration, soaring inflation, and a woke green scam. And now, they’ve single-handedly dismantled our primary system. Regardless of what their next political ploy is, Americans see the truth. And President @realDonaldTrump will win in November!"

Christina Bohannan, Democratic nominee for U.S. House, IA-1

"Today, President Biden himself to be a true patriot who puts his country before himself. I respect his many years of dedicated public service and his steadfast commitment to our democracy. As we move toward the November election, I am more energized than ever to work on the things that matter most to the people of Southeast Iowa: lower costs for working families, expanding access to affordable healthcare and prescription drugs, fighting for public education, and restoring reproductive freedom."

Sarah Corkery, Democratic nominee for U.S. House, IA-2

After Biden's criticized debate against Donald Trump, Sarah Corkery called on him to resign. She believes that Biden's announcement could be a gamechanger for democrats in the November election. 
“I think this will get out the vote this fall," Corkery said. "I think we'll even pick up some independent voters and Republicans who are seeking places where the truth is spoken.”

Ryan Melton, Democratic nominee for U.S. House, IA-4

"I’m grateful Pres. Biden won in 2020 and protected our Democracy from another term of Trumpism. He also deserves credit for a number of progressive improvements he successfully orchestrated that made our country better. His legacy is secure. I’m very grateful that he endorsed Kamala Harris, honoring the will of the primary voters. A number of folks are asking already who my VP choice would be for Harris. In dreamland, Bernie Sanders, but the powers that be won’t let that happen for various reasons. Buttigieg would be my selection among the realistic options. Not my favorite as far as political worldview, but he’s undeniably a once in a generation communicator. He’s able to go onto the Fox News’ of the world and command that space in a way that resonates across the partisan divide. There’s a reason he won Iowa. He exudes class and dignity. A perfect counterweight to Trump and Vance."

Rita Hart, Iowa Democratic Party Chair

At a press conference Rita Hart stopped short of endorsing Kamala Harris for the nomination. Hart is a delegate and said delegates can now vote for whatever candidate they'd like. She added that the timeline and process of selecting a new candidate remains unclear at this time.
“We’ve got a lot of dedicated Iowans who want to make sure their voices are heard and that Donald Trump doesn’t make it back into the Oval Office," Hart said. "We’re all going to do our part.”

Iowa State Auditor Rob Sand

"This is a shining example of public service over self and a bright opportunity for America to turn the page to the future."

Iowa House Democratic Leader Jennifer Konfrst

"President Biden has always done what’s best for the American people, and his decision today is just the latest example. My thanks to President Biden for his service to our country during an extremely difficult time in our nation’s history. His record creating jobs, cutting health care costs, and helping our economy recover is one of the strongest in modern history. So many Americans are frustrated and tired of politics these days, and it’s reached a fever pitch this summer. I don’t blame people who just want to tune out. The President’s decision today gives an opportunity to turn the page on this chapter of our history and put people over politics again."

RELATED: Harris, endorsed by Biden, could become first woman, second Black person to be president

Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum

“I want to thank President Joe Biden for his public service from the New Castle County Council to the state of Delaware to our nation. He has done so much for workers and their families in this country. What truly sets the President apart is his heart. Many Iowans, including myself, have heard from Joe personally when tragedy struck our lives. He always made time for people. President Biden is a Statesman who has always put our country before himself. I urge all Americans to thank President Biden. Now, more than ever, it’s crucial for Democrats to come together in our quest to defeat Donald Trump this November.”

Iowa State Sen. Zach Wahls (District 43)

"After decades of service to our country, President Biden’s selfless decision to step aside is a courageous, final act of patriotism that puts America first. This profound act of leadership demonstrates his unwavering commitment to the future of our nation, the principles of democracy, and that recognizes the urgency of this moment. President Biden’s moral leadership was particularly important to me, my family, and the LGBTQ+ community. His early support for the freedom to marry for same-sex couples like my parents was a driving force for major progress in the 2010s, and his administration has tirelessly worked to protect and expand the rights of all Americans, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can live with dignity and respect."

"With President Biden’s decision, our party can move forward with a new generation of talented Democrats who are energized and ready to lead. I am endorsing Vice President Harris to be our Democratic nominee, and I believe it is time for our party to rally around her with our full support. She is fearless, tough as nails, and she is going to defeat Donald Trump in November. I am ready to work side by side with Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, and anyone else ready to defeat Donald Trump once again, and ensure a better future for all Americans. Let’s get to work."

Chairman of the Iowa GOP Jeff Kaufmann

"President Biden admitting to the world that he is not physically or mentally fit to run a campaign, but deciding to stay in office for the remainder of his term is an incredibly dangerous decision to make. Our adversaries now know that America is at a very weak point, with a Commander in Chief who is incapable of governing. Biden should do what is right and resign. This whole situation was caused by the Democrat elites, big donors and corporate media who just plunged Democracy and their party into complete chaos simply because their candidate was losing in the polls. Every voter who supported Biden in the Primary election should feel abandoned and betrayed."

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