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Here's how Iowa's representatives voted on Biden impeachment inquiry

"If President Biden had nothing to hide, his White House would be readily complying with our Committees' requests," said Rep. Ashley Hinson in a statement.

IOWA, USA — All House Republicans voted Wednesday to authorize the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden - including all four Iowa representatives. 

In a 221-212 party-line vote, Republicans rallied in support of the inquiry, despite a lack of evidence showing Biden has committed impeachable offenses. 

"By voting to formally continue this inquiry, I remain impartial on the outcome of the investigation, but we must ensure Congress has the power needed to effectively conduct oversight of the Executive Branch in a way that compels transparency from the White House," said Rep. Zach Nunn in a statement.

Republicans, including Nunn, Rep. Randy Feenstra and Rep. Ashley Hinson, noted the impeachment inquiry is a crucial step in getting more answers from the Biden administration.  

"If President Biden had nothing to hide, his White House would be readily complying with our Committees' requests," Hinson said in a statement. "It is our solemn duty to get the facts for the American people, especially as the White House continues to stonewall Congressional oversight."

Local 5 has reached out to Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks for comment, but has yet to hear back. 

Read Feenstra, Hinson and Nunn's full statements below. 

Rep. Randy Feenstra

“The American people deserve accountability and transparency from their elected officials — and the president is no exception. While Republicans have upheld our constitutional duty to conduct oversight of the executive branch, President Biden has been uncooperative and evasive. That’s why I voted to advance a formal impeachment inquiry into President Biden and his questionable conduct. We are now one step closer to uncovering his connection to his son’s sweetheart deal with the IRS and involvement in his foreign business dealings.”

Rep. Ashley Hinson

“Today, House Republicans voted to formally launch an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden with one intention: follow the facts wherever they may lead. I have never supported predetermined or political impeachments, as Nancy Pelosi pursued with President Trump. The credible allegations uncovered about President Biden's potential involvement in Hunter Biden's influence peddling and alleged pay-to-play schemes warrant full investigation, as do the President's blatant lies about his knowledge regarding his family's foreign business dealings. If President Biden had nothing to hide, his White House would be readily complying with our Committees' requests. It is our solemn duty to get the facts for the American people, especially as the White House continues to stonewall Congressional oversight."

Rep. Zach Nunn

“The American people deserve honesty and integrity from their elected officials. I came to Washington to hold D.C. politicians accountable–from George Santos to Robert Menendez and even the President. That’s why I’ve championed ending proxy voting, prohibiting insider trading by politicians, tripling the lobbying ban for members, and eliminating taxpayer funded pensions for those expelled from Congress. In the same vein, today I voted to continue an investigation into conduct by President Biden. Regardless of party, there is no reason to run away from the truth.  This investigation will provide facts to the American people so that each person can decide for themselves whether the conduct rises to the level of impeachment.”   
“This investigation is already ongoing, and the White House has refused to comply with requests for information from the House of Representatives.  By voting to formally continue this inquiry, I remain impartial on the outcome of the investigation, but we must ensure Congress has the power needed to effectively conduct oversight of the Executive Branch in a way that compels transparency from the White House. My hope is that this investigation will deliver the answers the American people deserve in a clear, nonpartisan, and unbiased way.”

Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks

“I voted to ensure that the American people receive the answers they deserve regarding the alleged corrupt dealings of the Biden family. The House has gathered enough evidence in a methodic non-political fashion through the appropriate committee process. A formal impeachment inquiry furthers the investigation into the Biden family, affords access to additional financial materials, provides a safe avenue for additional whistleblowers to come forward and provide accountability for the American people.”

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