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Will 5 mph make a difference? Des Moines to lower speed limit along Fleur Drive

More than 30,000 drivers travel the roadway every single day, making it one of Des Moines’ busiest roadways.

DES MOINES, Iowa — The Des Moines City Council voted on Mondy to lower the speed limit on Fleur Drive, knocking it down from 40 to 35 miles per hour. 

It’s a small reduction that the city hopes will make a big impact, forcing drivers to slow down in the area. More than 30,000 drivers travel the roadway every single day, making it one of the city's busiest roadways.

But those who live nearby aren’t so sure that people will abide by the new limit.

"I don’t think it’s gonna make a lot of difference one way or the other, five miles an hour," Des Moines resident Steve Stookey told Local 5. 

Stookey and his wife Vicky have lived near Fleur Drive for years. Vicky said she's noticed people speeding down the street numerous times. 

It’s those speeding habits that residents believe will be hard to break, even with a lower limit.

"It’s gonna be what it is. They’re gonna do it no matter what. Just like out on the interstate, you know?," said Kris Hayes, who also lives near Fleur Drive. "They’ll drive as fast as they want to, whether it’s 35 or whether it’s 40.”

Despite mixed reactions to the speed reduction, the council says the change will be in effect by early next year.

“On Fleur, it's stop and go, you’re stop and go constantly," Des Moines resident Billie Jessen said. "The lower speed limit is better.”

The speed limit will be decreased on Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway and Fleur Drive from Ingersoll Avenue to Army Post Road, as mentioned in a council communication memo

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