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Rock Valley homes left unsalvageable following northwest Iowa floods

Families are beginning to get their first looks at their homes after they were forced to evacuate due to flooding.

ROCK VALLEY, Iowa — Rock Valley residents are left picking up the pieces after their basements and nearly entire main levels were submerged in flood water. 

Families have lost almost everything as the ground sits soggy and homes are filled with mud. 

"By the time they got downstairs, the basement was already full, so it filled up in 15 minutes," said Maria Postmus, a Rock Valley flood victim. "Then by the time they left the house, it was 3 feet on the main floor."

Homes are unsalvageable as furniture is full of water, floors are soaked and family mementos are gone. 

"I keep picturing when I'm trying to think back is my kids' toys, shoes, stuff just floating in our living room and kitchen," said Brett Davelaar, another Rock Valley flood victim. 

The unimaginable happening, as some items with water damage are irreplaceable.

"It's just a lot when you just, like all of my scrapbooks were in the basement so, just losing all the sentimental things," Postmus added. "My son passed away a couple years ago and we lost most of his memorabilia, so things we had from him." 

Now, the question of what comes next for these families remains. With the flooding as extensive as it is, many homes impacted weren't in the flood plains and covered by insurance. 

"Everybody that is losing their homes and didn't have flood insurance, which is the majority, are homeless and it's just a really big shock for the community," Postmus said. 

Local churches in Rock Valley have opened up portable showers, cooked meals for the town and opened shelters. Volunteers continue to help pick up items flooded homes needed thrown away - truly an all-hands-on-deck effort. 

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