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"There's no monkey business he can't handle!" Why you should vote for Kitsi as the next mayor of the Blank Park Zoo

Kitsi the Snow Monkey, mayoral candidate at the Blank Park Zoo, joins Iowa Live to share why he's indisputably "the macaque who has your back"!

Voters have just one month left until election day. With the deadline fast approaching, candidates for the Mayor of the Blank Park Zoo are embarking on a press junket, sharing their vision for the future of the zoo. Kitsi the Snow Monkey, or as the species is officially known - Japanese Macaque - is easily one of the most controversial candidates. His campaign was well behind during the primaries, but claimed a last minute victory, ousting current mayor Barnaby the Aldabra Tortoise.

Kitsi supporters claim the voters rallied to support a candidate they can relate to. After all, he's the only one in the race who can give you two thumbs up! At 18 years old, Kitsi is the oldest contender. He's the leader of his monkey troop, where he keeps the peace between family members.

"Just before we came on air, there were some minor disputes," explains Zoe Wilson, small mammal keeper and Kisti supporter, "But he was quick to step in and make sure everything was handled really well."

It just goes to show the truth of Kitsi's campaign slogan, "There's no monkey business he can't handle".

Fellow mayoral candidate Oscar the Porcupine says Kitsi's leadership experience is a point of contention in the race. Deuce the Lion, former mayor of Blank Park Zoo and current top contender, claims his eadership style is more "paw-sitive and purr-sistant" than his opponents. Kitsi's children have come out in support of their father, sharing they have "ape-solutely no complaints".

RELATED: Snacks and naps for all! Oscar the Porcupine is running for Mayor of Blank Park Zoo | Paid Content

Deuce the Lion will join Iowa Live tomorrow to explain his platform: "Mane-taining strength and leadership for the Blank Park Zoo".

To cast your vote in the mayoral election, click here.

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