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Over $20,000 worth of merchandise stolen from Kulture Kingz in armed robbery

The store was previously burglarized in October, losing thousands of dollars worth of merchandise.

DES MOINES, Iowa — Editor's Note: A previous version of this article stated the robbery happened on Saturday. Based on new information, Local 5 has corrected the story to indicate the robbery occurred Sunday.

A local footwear and apparel store is closing its doors indefinitely after being robbed over the weekend.

In October of 2023, Kulture Kingz was the victim of an overnight burglary. Suspects bashed in the front windows of the store before stealing nearly $10 thousand worth of merchandise. In this instance, the store was robbed of approximately 50 t-shirts as well as other pieces of clothing.

On Sunday, the store faced a similar situation, but this time in broad daylight. The photo below shows the suspect robbing the store in the middle of the day.

Credit: Kulture Kingz surveillance

According to Kulture Kingz and Des Moines police, the suspect was in the store for five to seven minutes, brandishing a firearm. Police were called to the scene at 5 p.m.

At this point, police do not believe the two incidents are related. 

"People who commit burglaries are a lot different than people who commit robberies," DMPD Sgt. Paul Parizek said.

The store's owners say the suspect ran away with cash and merchandise - over $20,000 worth of merchandise to be specific. 

While inside, the suspect allegedly took one shoe out of 49 pairs of display shoes. Six complete pairs of shoes as well as designer clothes and bags were stolen. Those numbers may go up as the shop finishes going through inventory. 

Store owner Bradley Thompson Sr. says not much cash was stolen since they don't keep much at the store. 

Police say the suspect fled the scene with multiple trash bags. The suspect was wearing black clothes, a ski mask and gloves.

The suspect has not yet been found nor identified, Parizek said.

“When you commit robbery with a firearm, that’s robbery in the first degree," he said.

Parizek added that there is nothing that indicates the armed robbery was a personal attack. 

The store has decided to close its doors until a new location can be found. Thompson points to this situation, the October incident, as well as other issues like shoplifting as to why they're moving. 

The incident over the weekend could've been much worse.

“Stakes are a little higher when someone’s sticking a gun in your face and people who are willing to do that are usually actually willing to harm someone," Parizek said.

Thompson says he's glad no one was hurt. 

Local 5 will update this story as more information becomes available. Download the We Are Iowa app or subscribe to Local 5's "5 Things to Know" email newsletter for the latest.

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